Is Your Marketing an Expense...or an Investment

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I received an announcement about a Webcast that looks interesting on how marketers can work with their CFO.

The title of the presentation caught my eye:
Is Your Marketing an Expense...or an Investment - 10 Strategies for Winning Over Your CFO and other Marketing Skeptics

I'm hearing more stories about CFOs telling marketing to justify their expenses with an ROI analysis, so this Webcast looks to be exactly on target for the current economy.

The presenter is Pat LaPointe, Managing Partner at MarketingNPV. They have great articles on their site, so I expect the Webcast will be good, too.

By the way, the Webcast is sponsored by Aquent, which supplies permanent and freelance talent to marketing firms and departments, so they have an interest in marketing departments showing a high ROI.

To register for the Webcast on August 21, 2007, go to

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